Apple released an urgent update for its newly launched mobile operating system, iOS 17. This development comes just days after the tech giant unveiled the new software, which was designed to coincide with the release of the latest iPhone 15.
The initial launch of iOS 17 was met with much fanfare, as it was made available not only for the new iPhone 15, but also for other recent iPhone models.
However, Apple soon discovered that the new operating system had several bugs that needed immediate attention. As a result, the company swiftly released two new versions, iOS 17.0.1 and iOS 17.0.2, to address these issues.
iOS 17: iPhone Users Report Worrying Privacy Settings Change After Update
— Forbes (@Forbes) September 25, 2023
Apple users are urged to install these updates promptly to ensure their devices function optimally.
The process is straightforward: simply go to the Settings app on your iPhone, select ‘General’, then ‘Software Update’, and finally tap ‘Download and Install’. This procedure should take only a few minutes to complete.
It’s particularly crucial for those who have purchased the new iPhone 15 to update their device to iOS 17.0.2 before attempting to transfer data from their old device. This update resolves a specific data transfer issue exclusive to the iPhone 15 lineup.
However, if you own an older iPhone model and see that the latest available update is iOS 17.0.1, there’s no need to worry about the unavailability of iOS 17.0.2.
Apple has been transparent about the security flaws affecting iOS 17.0. These include a flaw that allows a malicious app to bypass signature validation, potentially running without the user noticing.
Currently charging the iPhone 15 Pro Max in my car, while simultaneously using it to write an email on 5G.
I can feel the heat through the back of my andar leather case.
Apple needs to roll out an update to throttle the cpu asap!
This is bad.
— Rjey (@RjeyTech) September 25, 2023
Another flaw could enable a local attacker to elevate their privileges and take control of an iPhone. Lastly, processing web content may lead to arbitrary code execution, allowing an attacker to execute any code they want on a victim’s system.
These flaws were disclosed following tip-offs from Google and the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab research group.
The iOS 17.0.1 update is available for iPhone models still supported by Apple, which includes those released in 2018 and later.
This includes popular models like the iPhone XS and the 2nd generation iPhone SE. Meanwhile, the iOS 17.0.2 update, which also includes the three security fixes of iOS 17.0.1, corrects the iPhone 15’s data transfer issue.
It’s imperative for all iPhone users to promptly update their devices to protect against potential security threats and enjoy the new features offered by iOS 17.