The Rising Threat to Religious Freedom: Is Christianity Under Siege Globally?


Several Christians across Europe and beyond are facing potential imprisonment, due to their religious beliefs. This escalating battle for religious liberty has sparked concerns about the potential for such conflicts to reach American shores.

One of the most notable cases is that of Päivi Räsänen, a member of Parliament in Finland. Räsänen found herself embroiled in a legal battle after expressing her religious views on social media.

She questioned the official support of the Evangelical Lutheran Church for a Pride event, citing a verse from the book of Romans about same-sex relationships. This led to a citizen filing a criminal complaint against her, triggering a police investigation.

Räsänen was acquitted of all charges last year, but prosecutors appealed the case, leading to a second trial. She now awaits the verdict of this subsequent battle, confident of victory.

Despite the potential punishment of two years in jail or a fine, Räsänen remains steadfast, citing the freedom of speech and religion enshrined in the Finnish Constitution.

Meanwhile, on the Mediterranean island of Malta, Matthew Grech, a former LGBT activist, faces potential prison time for sharing his journey of leaving a gay lifestyle to follow Christ.

After mentioning an organization that supports individuals who wish to leave the LGBT community during a program, Grech was reported to the police for violating Maltese law, which bans advertising so-called “conversion therapy.”

He could face up to five months in jail or a fine of up to 5,000 euros.

In the United Kingdom, the situation is equally concerning.

Andrea Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, a European religious rights nonprofit, highlights how abortion clinic buffer zones prevent people from assembling, counseling, and even silently praying outside these facilities.

A poignant example is that of U.K. Army veteran Adam Smith-Connor, who was questioned by officers for silently praying outside a clinic for his aborted son.

Williams warns if Americans do not pay attention, similar laws could make their way across the Atlantic. She urges vigilance against these initially civil measures that gradually take on a quasi-criminal force, coupled with political pressure.

Jeremy Dys, senior counsel of First Liberty, acknowledges that there’s no easy answer to whether the criminalization of Christianity could come to the U.S.

While he hopes the risk is low, he admits it isn’t zero. Dys emphasizes the fight for religious liberty is already ongoing in the U.S. People of faith constantly face questions about their faith and its place in the workplace or public square.

Ultimately, Dys believes preventing the chaos seen in Malta, the U.K., and other nations from reaching the U.S. depends on Americans’ commitment to freedom. He encourages Americans to play a role in protecting these freedoms through prayer, staying informed, and exercising the right to vote.

As we witness the disturbing criminalization of Christianity overseas, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and proactive in preserving our religious liberties. The question remains: Will America heed these warnings before it’s too late?