Middle School Students Take a Stand Against Furry Infestation


Furries, the costumed subculture that has become increasingly popular in recent years, have caused quite the stir in a small middle school community. The once quiet halls of this educational institution have been overrun by these bizarre, animal-like creatures, leaving many parents and community members outraged.

As the situation escalates, a group of brave students have decided to take matters into their own hands and protest against this furry invasion. However, from a conservative standpoint, one must ask: what is the true agenda behind this trend?

To many, the furry community may seem like a harmless group of individuals who simply enjoy dressing up as their favorite animals. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that this obsession with anthropomorphic creatures goes beyond just a fun hobby. In fact, it has been reported that the furry community has a disturbingly high percentage of individuals who engage in deviant and even illegal behavior. From sexual fetishes involving animals to promoting pedophilia, these are not values that align with traditional conservative beliefs.

As the middle school students bravely marched in protest, they held signs that read "Keep Furries Out of Our School!" and "Protect Our Children!" It is truly heartening to see young individuals standing up for what is right and refusing to be indoctrinated by the liberal agenda. We must commend these students for taking a stand against this disturbing trend and protecting their innocent peers from being exposed to such harmful ideologies.

Unfortunately, the school administration and certain liberal media outlets have attempted to downplay the severity of this situation. They claim that furries are simply misunderstood and that it is a form of self-expression. But how can we turn a blind eye to the fact that these individuals are actively promoting behaviors that go against our moral values and the safety of our children? It is clear that this is yet another attempt by the left to push their radical agenda onto our youth.

It is not just the disturbing behavior and ideologies promoted by the furry community that we must be concerned about. The cost of these elaborate costumes is also a cause for alarm. It has been reported that some furries spend upwards of thousands of dollars on their outfits, leading to financial strain on themselves and their families. As conservatives, we value responsible spending and teaching our children the importance of financial responsibility. This trend goes against everything we stand for.

Furthermore, the infiltration of furries into our schools is just another example of the left's attempt to normalize deviant behavior and attack traditional values. We cannot allow our children to be exposed to such harmful influences and must take a firm stance against it. We must urge our school administrators to take action and ban furries from school premises to protect the well-being of our students.

In conclusion, the furry infestation in this middle school is not just a silly trend, but a dangerous movement that must be stopped. We must continue to educate our children on the importance of upholding traditional values and not fall prey to the left's attempts to normalize deviant behavior. As for the brave students who stood up against this furry invasion, they have shown great courage and are a shining example of the next generation of conservatives. Let us continue to stand strong and protect our children from harmful influences like this.

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  1. Someone can “identify” as any goofy thing they want, but it does not make it so! They will never have the attributes of the actual thing that they “identify” as.
    There was a recent gathering of 1,000 so-called “Furries” who claim to be dogs or “Canine Beings”. “Furries” are individuals who enjoy cosplaying in animal suits, or “therians” who are people who “identify as a creature other than human”. For example, some therians, short for “therianthrope,” might “believe that they are a cat soul reincarnated into a human body,” yet when they take off their costumes, they are just ordinary human beings.

    Little kids dress up for Halloween and ‘believe’ they are the Little Mermaid, a Princess, Harry Potter, or Superman. That belief can be so intense that occasionally a little “Superman” tries to fly off a roof! Would anyone put up a ladder for their little “Superman”?
    You will never have the attributes of the actual thing you “identify” as. It is all make-believe!

    Under this craziness: If someone wanted to self-identify as a Flat Rock…
    One must fully support their delusions! Or otherwise, you could be called a “bigoted hateful racist against igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic persons”!

  2. If a furry bites or scratches or otherwise invades your space, that constitutes bullying! I would give my children permission to defend themselves and train them to do it responsibly, and then I’d publicly back them up before the school board and principal and take them to court! Conservative parents should band together for a class action suit to hold these irresponsible school administrators accountable!


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