Kamala Harris Sparks Controversy Asserting Christians Can Support Abortion


Vice President Kamala Harris made a startling statement to a group of college students. She asserted Christians can support abortion, a stance that left many questioning her understanding of the Bible and Christian values.

Harris, who is currently on a nationwide tour promoting abortion rights, made this contentious remark during a stop in North Carolina.

She told the students, “One does not have to abandon their faith, or deeply held beliefs, to agree the government should not be telling [a woman] what to do with her body.” This statement ignited a firestorm of criticism from pro-life advocates and Christians across the nation.

The vice president went on to criticize pro-life Americans, labeling them as “extremist so-called leaders” and branding pro-life laws that protect unborn babies as “immoral.” She further argued Congress could reinstate the protections of Roe v. Wade, which grants women the right to make decisions about their bodies.

However, SBA Pro-Life America, a prominent pro-life organization, vehemently condemned Harris’ remarks.

Michelle Ashley, the North Carolina state director for SBA Pro-Life America, stated, “Vice President Kamala Harris just kicked off her ‘Abortion Activism Around America’ tour aimed at indoctrinating our young people, but Harris needs to understand North Carolinians do not support her radical approach.”

Ashley pointed out the majority of North Carolinians want serious limits on abortions, with most opposing elective abortions after the first trimester. This stance starkly contrasts with the Biden-Harris administration’s pro-abortion policies.

When it comes to the intersection of Christianity and abortion, Harris appears to be misinformed. The Bible unequivocally condemns murder, harm to children, and the shedding of innocent blood.

It recognizes unborn babies as valuable, living human beings created in God’s image.

True Christianity advocates for the most vulnerable, defends the defenseless, and offers compassion to those suffering. This includes unborn babies who are recognized throughout the Bible as unique, valuable human beings created in God’s image.

Across the U.S., Christians are working tirelessly to protect unborn babies and provide support to pregnant and parenting mothers in need.

Through pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and other charities, pro-life advocates are practicing true justice and the “love-thy-neighbor” commandment by providing baby supplies, housing, financial assistance, parenting classes, and more to help millions of mothers and babies thrive.