JFK Assassination Mystery Unraveled: Witness Shatters Government’s ‘Magic Bullet’ Theory


A key witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has broken his silence after 60 years. This unexpected twist in the JFK assassination saga shattered a critical government narrative that has been held as truth for decades.

Paul Landis, an 88-year-old former Secret Service agent who was assigned to First Lady Jackie Kennedy’s protective detail on that fateful day in Dallas, November 22, 1963, recently gave an exclusive interview to The New York Times.

His revelations have cast serious doubts on the Warren Commission’s claim, which has been a cornerstone of the official explanation surrounding JFK’s death.

The Warren Commission advanced the theory that one bullet, often referred to as the “magic bullet,” struck both President Kennedy and Texas Governor John B. Connally Jr., who was riding next to Kennedy.

This theory has been met with skepticism by millions due to its seeming defiance of common sense and physics.

Landis, however, has now challenged this narrative. He claims that he was the one who retrieved the so-called “magic bullet” from the chaotic scene following the shooting.

According to Landis, there was nothing “magical” about the bullet. He asserts that it struck Kennedy in the back but was “undercharged” and popped back out before the President’s body was removed from the limo.

Contrary to the Warren Commission’s claim, Landis insists that the bullet never touched Connally.

This revelation has not only debunked the “magic bullet” theory but also raised questions about the possibility of a second shooter. Landis, who had always viewed Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone gunman, admitted that he’s no longer sure.

His doubt opened up the possibility of a second shooter, a theory that has been dismissed by the official narrative for decades.

James Robenalt, a Cleveland-based lawyer and author of four books on American history, concurred with Landis’s revelations. He stated if Landis’s claims are true, it would mean that the central thesis of the Warren Report, the single-bullet theory, is incorrect.

This could potentially reopen the question of a second shooter or even more.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a nephew of the 35th president and Democratic presidential candidate, also responded to these new revelations. He declared the magic bullet theory “dead” and challenged the idea that a single person murdered JFK.

He also criticized the Warren Commission, which was directed by former CIA Director Allen Dulles, whom his uncle had fired.

These recent revelations prompted even the New York Times, one of the last defenders of the Warren Report, to acknowledge its absurdity.