Biden’s Programs for Migrants Almost Ensure They’re Never Deported


President Joe Biden’s administration has introduced a series of immigration policies that critics argue significantly reduce the likelihood of migrants being deported. These measures have sparked considerable debate, particularly among conservative commentators and lawmakers.

One of the key aspects of Biden's approach is the humanitarian parole programs for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV). These programs allow nationals from these countries to fly directly to the United States if they are approved for travel, effectively bypassing the traditional border crossing and asylum processes.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, many of these migrants are coming from third-party countries, not directly from their countries of origin. This has raised concerns that the administration is using the parole program as a secondary immigration system without congressional approval​​.

The Biden administration also implemented the "Circumvention of Lawful Pathways" rule following the expiration of Title 42, a public health order that allowed for the rapid expulsion of migrants at the border. This rule requires migrants to apply for asylum in another country they passed through or make an appointment via the CBP One app before seeking asylum in the U.S. However, the effectiveness of this rule has been limited due to resource constraints and the sheer volume of migrants, leading to many being released into the U.S. to await their court hearings​​.

Furthermore, Biden's policies include a temporary halt on deportations for the first 100 days of his presidency, except for those who commit felonies. This stance has been criticized for being too lenient, with former President Donald Trump and other conservative voices arguing that it effectively halts all deportations, including those of dangerous criminals like MS-13 gang members. Trump's assertions, however, have been fact-checked and found to be distortions of Biden's actual policy, which focuses on prioritizing the deportation of felons while conducting a review of current practices​​.

Despite these measures, the number of deportations and returns has increased since the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. In the fiscal year 2023, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) removed 143,000 migrants, nearly double the previous year’s figure, though still lower than the averages under previous administrations. This increase reflects a broader effort by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to manage the influx of migrants more effectively, despite ongoing challenges​.

Critics argue that these policies create a de facto open border by making it easier for migrants to remain in the U.S. once they arrive. They contend that the administration’s approach not only undermines immigration laws but also places a significant burden on U.S. resources and communities. Supporters, on the other hand, argue that these measures are necessary to address humanitarian crises and manage immigration more humanely and effectively.

Overall, Biden’s immigration policies represent a significant shift from the previous administration’s approach, emphasizing humanitarian concerns and procedural changes. However, the debate over their impact on deportations and border security continues to be a contentious issue in American politics​.


  1. The goal of the devildemocommiecrat party is to destroy America as the beacon of world liberty. They want a global dictatorship that can’t be until America no longer exists as it was established. Today they are very close to getting their EVIL plan done. Once America falls what liberty there is in the world will disappear rapidly.


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