16 Lifestyle Choices That Could Shield You from Dementia


As we age, the specter of dementia looms large, threatening to rob us of our cherished memories and independence.

However, a groundbreaking report by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) identified 16 modifiable lifestyle factors that could significantly influence your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

The first set of factors are directly linked to our physical health.

High blood pressure, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, smoking, exposure to air pollution, and diabetes all contribute to dementia risk by impacting our cardiovascular health.

This, in turn, influences our risk of strokes and the overall health of our brains. Repeated head injuries, often seen in contact sports like rugby or boxing, also increase dementia risk.

However, not all factors are physical. Some relate to how we use our brains and interact with society. Hearing loss, depression, a lack of education, and social isolation have been associated with an increased risk of dementia.

In addition to these 12 factors, ADI researchers identified four more risks. One of them is a poor diet, particularly one rich in ultra-processed foods (UPFs).

These foods, laden with emulsifiers, preservatives, artificial flavorings, and sweeteners, have been linked to poor cardiovascular health and cognitive decline.

While the exact mechanism remains unclear, UPF consumption is associated with known dementia risk factors like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Untreated sight loss was another factor identified. Theories suggest that vision loss leads to the brain overworking to compensate for the lack of this sense, a concept called cognitive load.

This, coupled with lower opportunities for brain stimulation and an increased risk of social isolation and poor psychological health, could increase dementia risk.

Tooth loss was another factor highlighted by the ADI report. Research found losing a tooth was linked to a 1.1% increase in dementia risk and losing 20 teeth raised the risk to 31%. However, treating tooth loss with dentures seemed to mitigate this risk.

Lastly, poor sleep patterns in middle age may contribute to a higher risk of dementia in later life. Sleep helps flush out a build-up of the proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease, so a sustained lack of sleep inhibits this process, leading to a rise in dementia risk.

Alzheimer’s disease, characterized by progressive memory loss and difficulties doing daily activities, is the most common cause of dementia. It is not a disease unto itself, but rather the consequence of another condition.

While there is no cure for dementia, these findings offer hope. By addressing these 16 modifiable risk factors, we can potentially prevent millions of dementia cases.