Biden White House Pressured Facebook into Expansive Censorship via Secret Portal


Documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL) reveal the existence of a secret Facebook portal used by the Biden-Harris administration to censor content during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information, released this week, details how government officials could directly request Facebook to remove content labeled as "COVID & Vaccine Misinformation," raising serious concerns about free speech and government overreach.

These revelations stem from litigation against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which collaborated with Facebook to suppress content critical of the government's pandemic response. The documents show that Facebook developed an "end-to-end workflow" allowing government officials to submit requests for content removal. Only approved government or law enforcement personnel were granted access to this censorship tool.

The newly exposed portal dramatically streamlined Facebook's ability to comply with the government’s requests, allowing for up to 20 links to be flagged for removal at once. This system, which replaced previous communication via email, made oversight more difficult, further obscuring the government’s involvement in social media censorship. By allowing content to be flagged through this portal, the system bypassed traditional transparency mechanisms like the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), effectively shielding the government from accountability​.

The collaboration between Facebook and the government wasn't limited to content flagged by American authorities. The documents also reveal that the United Kingdom played a significant role in shaping the U.S. government's approach to online censorship. The Biden administration's alignment with global censorship efforts raises alarms about the international scale of these tactics.

Under immense pressure from the White House, Facebook intensified its censorship operations, particularly after July 2021. President Biden’s public denunciation of Facebook for "killing people" by not censoring "misinformation" prompted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to make significant policy changes. According to the documents, this direct pressure from senior administration officials, including White House staffer Rob Flaherty, led to increased suppression of dissenting opinions.

In response to the documents, Facebook defended its actions by stating that it only removed content that violated its "Community Standards," which were based on determinations made by public health authorities. However, critics argue that these standards were often arbitrary and based on information that was later proven wrong, including claims about the effectiveness of masks and social distancing​.

This revelation comes amid growing concerns over Big Tech’s role in stifling free speech. Conservative voices have been particularly vocal about the impact of these censorship policies, which many believe disproportionately target content that opposes the government's narratives. With the efficiency of this censorship apparatus now exposed, critics are questioning the depth of the relationship between government agencies and social media giants like Facebook.

As more details emerge, it is clear that Facebook’s coordination with the Biden administration to silence dissent extended far beyond routine content moderation. This secretive system allowed for swift and often unchecked censorship of opinions, all while bypassing public oversight mechanisms.


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